Daniel Fazlijević


Hi! My name is

Daniel Fazlijević

and I am a Web Developer

About me

Hello again! My name is Daniel Fazlijevic, and as you probably already know, I am a Web Developer! As a kid, I was always interested in how things work, especially games, websites and other software - that got me into programming. I value user experience, performance, functionality. I've worked with various frameworks, both Front-End and Back-End. I like making creative websites that users enjoy browsing.



FONHackathon is a programming hackathon that is organized annualy by FONIS, a student organization, and the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade. Together with the IT team members of FONIS, we made the website from scratch while using galaxy and retro console type interfaces as inspiration. The website needed to contain couple of things:
  • Information for the event
  • Partners and sponsors
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Coordinators
  • Ways to Contact
  • A way to sign up for the event.

You can view the live version of the website here: hakaton.fonis.rs

Project 2

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Project 3

Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aperiam quidem rem officiis. Vitae nisi corrupti, eius nihil magnam sunt eum voluptatibus dolore esse quibusdam eveniet quos qui tempora a natus!

*selected projects

Contact me

Have a collaboration in mind?

I'm always online.

Send me a message.

I'm also available at